Tuesday 10 May 2011

A suprising saturday

So saturday was set out to be a great day as we were going to otavalo which is the famous ecuadorian market. We got up around 8, had breakfast, and were off around 9. It took around two hours to get there, during which time we all talked about the week we had in the schools and up coming events. Once there we winded through a small city and got to the center of it. The center of the city is where the markets are held, and you could walk for 20 minutes from one side to the other and still not be at the end, it was awesome. I can't tell you all the stuff that i got as most are suprises and presents, but i can tell you what i got myself. I got myself a panama hat (which actually orginates from ecuador unsually enough, not panama), if you dont know what it looks like here it is.

Hopefully i look a little younger in the hat. I also got an alpaca poncho whic is super comfortable. There were so many alpaca items as this is there major animal that the sheer the wool off of. And man is all the stuff so warm and comfortable. I also got some blankets made from alpaca. I have to say though that the best part of getting these items was bardering for them. I love the feeling off trying to get something for a lower price, thats probably the winnipeger coming out in me.

After that we headed to a leather market where all the guys got a new nice walet for cheap, and the girls spent a little more money. Most of them got some or all of the following items: leather jacket, hand bag, wallet, boots, and shoes. Suffice to say the girls were happy, and broke. While the the girls were shopping the guys did the appropriate thing, found the closest pub and had a couple beers.

After this we were on our way home. About an hour into the way home our van driver who we have known since we arrived had a suprise for us. He stopped waht looked like in the middle of no where. But where we actually stopped was the middle of the world, i am not even joking. He showed us the jps and it said, 00, 00, 00. It was amazing!!!!!!! There was a large world sculpture as well as the line passing through it. One of the coolest things about the line was, if you tried to walk directly on the line with your eyes close it is virtually impossible to walk in a straight line because gravity is pulling you in two different directions. I was sceptacle at first but i could not do it, and neither could any one else, beers or not. By the time we got back into the van and went home we were so excited that we sang most of the way home, can't sy what becuase i still have my pride.

Sunday was lesson planning and relaxing before a long week. I will blog again at the end of the week detailing my second week in the schools.

Until next time, chow

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