Wednesday 11 May 2011

Ecuador article in the quito paper with pictures

Grupo de trabajo

Andrew Westwood

Jennifer Kujanpaa

Actividades con los estudiantes

This article was put into the quito metro paper, and also online. I have translated for you convenience.

Eight students of several races last year teaching at the University of Manitoba, Canada, arrived in Quito to train 800 students from local schools, Calderon, Humberto Mata Martinez Bellavista and El Inca and Zámbiza. The subjects in supported are English, physical education and nutrition.
Through the Canadian Embassy in Ecuador was made contacts with the Ministry of Education of the City and identified what institutions should be imparted training. 

Enrique Chicaiza, Metropolitan Sub educational supervisor of Education, these students indicated that Canadians come to participate in a voluntary pilot project total.They deliver their knowledge according to the needs expressed by the representatives of municipal education. 

Meghan Laube, assistant teaching Canadian students, said the interns last year studying to become teachers of environmental science, physical education and kinesiology. 

Meghan said that this is the first volunteer program of the Canadian students who are financed their movement from Canada and stay in Quito and bring materials to be donated to health facilities, where they will work until early June. 

Additionally, they work in the afternoon sessions to provide training to students of the Basic Cycle Expedited operating in selected institutions.   

"The goal is to learn about teaching methods and complement local teachers with the teaching methods we have received from the Canadian university to put the students Quito services," said Meghan. 

Manitoba students through the Internet, shall meet to determine the impact assessment of training in this first program and based on these results a new training program in 2012. 

In this week will receive an incentive and education coordinator, who, after overseeing the work of interns, establish the possibility that some prominent Ecuadorian students can make a visit to the Canadian university. 

Andrew Westwood, who this year will get the master's degree in physical education, said that through motor activities you can develop and enhance learning skills, self esteem, which are yielding good results in Canada and could have the same effects on Students in these establishments. 

For Andrew, the eight Canadian interns are trained to teach English to students and teachers of these local institutions, so that during this time apply the methods of dialogue to improve reading and writing pronunciation of the language. 

Jennifer Kujanpaa, who obtained his doctorate this year, said the kinesiology is a subject that studies the human body, what are the nutrients and physical activity needed for optimal development and through this achieve a healthy lifestyle. 

Jennifer has studied the variety of food offered by our country and it aims to take protein and vitamins from these foods for children to reach their potential and enhance their capabilities. 

These Canadian students, who do not spend 23 years, was told that since his arrival have realized the great hospitality of the people of Quito and are eager to help poor students studying in the four selected local institutions. 

At school Tumbaco Municipal Rafael Alvarado Canadian volunteers were greeted warmly by students Quito. Locro danced merengue and tasted potato, smoked trout with cassava chicha and maqueño cake. 

This menu was prepared by students of local cuisine of this institution. Canadians gladly tasted these dishes and they kept saying, "Delicious." 

The University of Manitoba.

It was created in 1877 to confer degrees to students who graduate from its three founding colleges: St. Boniface College, St John's College and Manitoba College. The University was the first to be established in western Canada. 

In a typical year, the university has an enrollment of 24542 students and 3021 postgraduate students. The university offers 82 degrees, 51 to university level. Most academic units offer graduate programs for master's or doctorate. 

Between 2004 and 2005, the university acquired more than 110.9 million dollars in research income. 

Manitoba has 33 Canada Research Chairs, is the leading network of Canada, has 21 networks of excellence (ISIS Canada) and a participant in 14 others.

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