Sunday 8 May 2011

First week of teaching

Alright, so to start off i have to say this week was very tough as the language barrier got in the way many off times, and there were a couple of times i didn't know if i was going to be able to help these kids. But by the end of the week every thing was great and the kids had really taken to us. By the end the teachers believed in us fully, but i will talk about that in the end.

So monday was the hardest as we thougt it would be. For the first 6 classes we sat at the back of the room, doing nothing understanding nothing and, really the kids seemed to just laugh at us the whole time. The last two classes of the day were english, and this made the whole day worth it. I have to say i may have never seen a better teacher then the english teacher at our school. The very first day she let us introduce our selves, and then got all the kids in the class to introduce themselves to us. It was great as we finally got to see the class speak english, and in the most part they were pretty good. We then taught them action adjetives ending all in ``ing``. We basically got to teach the whole hour and a half, it was great and saved the day for me and dana my partner at the school.

Tuesday got better as we started the day of with enrique at the school. So right before school starts he brought the whole school outside and us with him. He then made a very long speech in spanish in whihc we did not understand one word, but in the end the whole school gave a very large round of applause for us. We then learned from the english teacher that he had said that he brought the best teachers from Canada to your school just to help teach you. So as great as that was, it put a little bit of pressure on us. We then went and showed him that he was right. We took control of two hours of english class, where they had to read a paragraph about the simpsons in english. If they did not understand a word they wouyld ask us. So it was great as we got to work with the class as a whole and as individuals.

Wednesday was an interesting day as we were told we were going to a soccer competition, so we were quite excited. It didn`t start off so well though. We were told to meet some teachers outside which we did, and the all of a sudden we were told to get on a bus. On of the only things we were told not to do in quito was get on a bus as they have no specific routes and it is where a lot of pick pockets do there work. Luckily we were fine, but it was one of the longest 40 minutes on this trip up to this point. When we got to the park it was amazing as there were 6 fields beside each other. Our schools girls team played two games in the morning. They won one and lost one, but i have to say those girls know how to play. The boys played next and they also won one and lost one. And wow can they play futbol. It was amazing to see the foot work of grade 12 boys. So that was a really cool day.

Thursady was a pretty relaxed day. The teachers at this point had really opened up to us and really wanted us to help. So we helped out in math, took over phys. ed as this was the first day that they had it, and also took over english again. It was not only the teachers that had warmed up to us by this point as the kids would try to talk to us at any point, and at the end of the day every single student said ``goodbye`` to us in english which felt awesome. At the end of the day just as we were leaving the priniciple told us that they had a tachers meeting tommorow and that me dana, justin and sara (who were at another school but came for friday) were to teach the whole school from 10 to 12. The day ended at 12 becuase it was an election day. So we went back to the hotel where we lesson planed for quite a long time. we found out that the other two  schools had the same thing happen, so we all worked together and came up with some great ideas.

So friday morning from 7 to 10 was pretty normal, helped out in math and geography. from 10-1030 was lunch and then the work started. Each of the 4 of us walked into a class room by oursleves and started to teach. What we did first was read and make sense of a story, but not any story, a Dr. Seuss story. It was one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. The kids really seemed to love it. So i read it to them, then they wrote it down and asked what words they did not know. They went on for 45 min, and thats where we stoped for that. We then went outside with the whole school. We then went on to teach them, wwaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttt ffffffffffffffffoooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttt, the BOOT SCOOT AND BOOGIE. Thats right we got 100 quito students to do the boot scoot and boogie. It was hard to teach that many at once but by the end, most of them got it and it was awesome. I couldn`t think of a better way to end the week. And at this point i can`t wait for next week.

My next post shoould be soon and will be about my weekend. It will be a shorter one as this weekend was little quieter.

Until then, Buenos Dias

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