Sunday 1 May 2011

The Basilica and supper on Saturday

So we got to sleep in a little on Saturday which means about 8 am. By 9 am we were off to the Basilica whch is the second major church after san fransisco, but the basilica is easily the largest in the city as it was built within the last 200 years. It sounds like i have been saying this a lot but words are hard to come by when i expalin how the exerience went. Pictures will be put up in the next day or so. So we entered the church as any other and saw a special mass as it is still the week of the saints. We then went up what seemed like 20 stories of stairs, and at 9,000 feet of elavation for the city, it was a little tiring. When we got up we ended up about two thirds of  the way up of the church. There was some spectacular views of the stained glass and the mass below us. There was also a little shop in which all of us bought something as there were so many intersting things. This is where things start to get good. There was then a wooden bridge over top of the churches internal arches which to say the least looked like it was 200 years old. Every step broght another sound of creeks and cracks. In the end we all got across safetly. From here there was three sets of metal laders that went basically straight up along the side of the towers. Not everyone went up but i did, stupid or brave your choice (I would like to say brave but probably stupid). Once up here you could see for miles and miles of quito and was so amazing. Camaras were hard to get up so not great pictures but i will try and upload some. From here we went back down and across the bridge again. We then traveled to the bell tower which was a little safer. The bells were tied together and they dont ring anymore to the city. Saying that i may have pulled a few levers and made them ring. Not the greatest idea as the whole tower shook and was a little scarey for a second, but all was good. After this we left which againg took many many many stairs.

When we left the church we went for lunch as the hike up the church took its toll on all of us. The food was great as i had spicy shrimp and heart palm, which is from palm trees and boiled into a slimy potatoish food. All i have to say was it was amazing.

After lunch we went walking around the old city which at every turn shows so much amazing architecture. We walked for probably two or three hours and looked in many shops and did make some purchases to bring home.

The last part of the day was supper where we went to the mouth of the wolf which is one of the nicer resteraunts in Quito. We had so much food and some many drinks that it is hard to explain. We startered off with six starters which we did not know what the food was, but i can say it was amazing. I then had pepered steak with some special sauce and mussles which again amazing. We all had many drinks that included beer, martinies of many fruits and flavors, and at one point we all had pina colada's which were to die for.

I am know off to a principles house of a school to have lunch. After this we plan to come home and lesson plan for tommorow. Saying this Enrique is going to be with us so who knows what will happen.

Until next time

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