Saturday 30 April 2011

Who and what are group is.


Today was my first full day in Ecuador, and seems to be the first of many great days to come.
All of the people in country have been so welcoming to me.
In honor of this I have decided to make this entry a "welcome" to my blog!

My name is Andrew Westwood. I am a recent graduate of the Faculty of Education, with a major in physical education and minor in Biology. I have left 5 days after my last day of student teaching to join this program and aid its purpose. This purpose is to inform and teach students and teachers a like of the benefits of physical education and healthy life practices. As well it is to build confidence for students through games.Not an easy feat, but one i am looking forward to helping with. 

I have travelled to Ecuador as part of a volunteer group (ESLE - Ecuador Service Learning Experience) from the University of Manitoba. As a group we are spending one month working with local schools in the city of Quito.

Our group consists of nine students as well as a group of professional facilitators pictured below:
(Not in Ecuador yet: Joe, Blair)
(Back Row, Left to Right: Chris, Flo, Dana, Sara, Justin C, Myself)
(Front Row, Left to Right: Justin L, Jen, Meghan)

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